Symi, Greece

Rent a Yacht in Symi, Greece in a few minutes!

Rent a Yacht in Symi, Greece in a few minutes!


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Hiring a yacht is the ideal way to explore the hidden beauty of Symi. Symi is a Greek island right by the Turkish coastline and is often called the ‘’jewel of the Dodecanese”. Though it is not so popular with sandy beaches, the island is adorned with traditional houses, a colorful harbor, and a spectacular bay that cannot be missed without renting a yacht. You can easily find the ideal yacht of your choice from the Harbour of Symi or from the marina in Rhodes situated roughly 20 nautical miles away (38 km). You can directly contact the owners of the vessels for the ideal yacht or simply allow a BednBlue travel expert to guide you with some suggestions.

You have plenty of options:

You can book and hire a yacht with a skipper, or without if you own a license, and enjoy a one-day cruise to Rhodes or Tilos. You also have the option to rent a motor yacht and tour St. George’s Bay or Symi Town for a fun-filled day of adventure and sightseeing. Finally, you can hire a luxury yacht for as many days as you wish, making sure to include Symi in your week-long itinerary.

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We guarantee that at BednBlue, all listings are offered at the lowest price in the market.
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To ensure that you do not receive anything less than what you have agreed upon, we bind the total amount of the booking until the day of your arrival to the listing.
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From the moment you book, a BednBlue representative will know everything about your trip and will be there to assist you at anytime you need them.
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Yacht in Symi

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Symi Island is one of the most beautiful islands in Greece. The traditional townhouses have unique pastel colors. The neoclassical structures are always coupled with beautiful balconies and red-tiled roofs. Above all, the Monastery of the Archangel Michael Panormitis remains to be one of the most notable sights on Symi Island. This 18th-century landmark is a pleasurable scene for tourists who visit the striking island. Another enchanting sight is the all silver-plated icon of the Archangel Michael. A walk through the monastery will lead you to two museums. It is filled with religious icons, 18th-century wall paintings, ecclesiastical art, and several objects that showcase Symi Island's folk culture. Before moving on to your yacht rental trip in Symi, you can light a candle at the monastery, also said to bring you good luck. In between experiencing the beautiful coastline and listening to the crashing waves, there's a lot more you can do on a Symi yacht trip.

Begin you begin your private yacht trip in Symi, you can spend some time in the charming natural harbor. The bubbling harbor area, called Gialos, is brimming with tiny cafés, seafood restaurants, and spice stalls. You can even go shopping before you begin the trip. As you advance towards Symi, make a stop at the beautiful Saint George's bay for snorkeling and swimming. Saint George’s bay has been hailed as one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, where catamarans and motor yachts drop anchor. You can admire the refreshing emerald waters as you lay on the yachts in the beautiful setting. You can even get a photoshoot at St George's Bay before you begin the trip to Symi. As you sail through, the first place to stop is the scenic bay that houses the Holy Monastery of Archangel Michael of Panormitis. Once you are near the Monastery, the Church bells will offer you a warm welcome. The Holy Monastery holds the Greek-Orthodox culture and was built in 1783. The most notable feature of the Monastery is its gigantic bell tower, built in a blend of Renaissance and a mixture of Baroque styles.

Heading north along the island’s eastern coastline, you will arrive at Symi Town. Colorful mansions will welcome you with an unforgettable first impression. Moreover, you will find private yachts and fishermen's boats. There are also tons of art shops, folk stores, and stalls filled with wooden carvings. Take in the atmosphere as you walk through the port, and learn about the unique sponge diving tradition. Take a camera along because you will love to take tons of photos of the town. You can also visit the beautiful Nos beach nearby for a swim, or have a meal in a waterfront tavern. A Symi yacht trip is a tourism experience that you will enjoy and remember for a long time after your trip. For the most special itineraries, you may also plan a cruise to Rhodes and Tilos nearby. A skipper on board will help you plan a week cruise around islands such as Kos, Nisyros, and many more beautiful destinations along the coast.

Below you will find some useful information for your yacht charter in Symi.

Symi Harbour/ Gialos: A busy harbor but well-protected from the Meltemi winds. The depth, mud, and rock make it difficult for yachts to be stationed safely. There are several restaurants and shops nearby.

Panormitis Port: A sheltered bay and port offering mooring spots for sailboats, ships, and other pleasure yachts. This port is ideal for an excursion to the Panormitis Monastery.

If you are island-hopping in the Dodecanese or starting your yacht charter from Kos or Rhodes, we recommend you to depart from their island marinas instead (this way you will have no trouble finding your ideal yacht that suits your preferences).

The island has no airport but is a short ferry ride from Rhodes (1 hour by high-speed catamaran). The island is connected to the harbor of Piraeus with roughly four services a week.