Katakolo, Greece

Rent a Yacht in Katakolo, Greece in a few minutes!

Rent a Yacht in Katakolo, Greece in a few minutes!


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Hiring a yacht is the ideal way to explore the hidden beauty of Katakolo.  The town center overlooks the Ionian Sea and is the perfect base to explore the mesmerizing sites of Olympia. Apart from the endless sandy beaches, the town preserves a relaxed pace with only 612 inhabitants and introduces you to fascinating Greek myths and fantastic food. You can easily find the ideal yacht of your choice from the port of Katakolon. You can directly contact the owners of the vessels for the ideal yacht, or simply allow a BednBlue travel expert to guide you with some suggestions.

You have plenty of options:

You can book and hire a yacht with a skipper, or without one if you own a license, and enjoy a one-day cruise to Skafidia. You also have the option to rent a motor yacht and tour various beaches away from the port. Finally, you can hire a luxury yacht at a fair price and enjoy a multi-day adventure in the Ionian Sea.

BednBlue Guarantee

Best Price Guarantee
We guarantee that at BednBlue, all listings are offered at the lowest price in the market.
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To ensure that you do not receive anything less than what you have agreed upon, we bind the total amount of the booking until the day of your arrival to the listing.
Personal Assistant
From the moment you book, a BednBlue representative will know everything about your trip and will be there to assist you at anytime you need them.
Listing Accuracy
We guarantee that all listings on BednBlue are exactly as they appear. learn more

Yacht in Katakolo

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Katakakolo or Katakolon is a seaside town in the area of ancient Pheia, a city located in Pyrgos overlooking the Ionian Sea. It is a lesser-known area in Greece but offers an idyllic cruise port for guests. It plays an important strategic role by serving as a gateway to Olympia. This magical place is famous for hosting the Olympic Games. The Temple of Zeus is one of the first of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that once stood in this ancient city. Before you arrange a yacht tour in Katakolon, you would love to explore several sights that penetrate the town’s ancient legacy.

The unique Museum of Ancient Technology houses 42 ancient Greek musical instruments and devices. They all inspired bigger inventions in the ancient civilization of Greece. Plato’s alarm clock, the catapults used by Alexander the Great, the harp of Sappho, and Apollo’s guitar, are part of the wide range of exhibits. Strolling by the front promenade of Katakolon, you will find tavernas, cafes, and souvenir shops. You may also shop for local olives products, superb wines, and local honey.

Along with Piraeus, Katakolon is one of the busiest ports in Greece. It has facilitated the transportation of goods to all other major ports in Europe and functions entirely as a touristic port today. You can be one of the many guests who arrange a yacht rental in Katakolo to explore the sandy beaches off the coast.

A yacht trip in Katakolo will allow you to take a glimpse of Greek summer life. Approximately 500 m from the port, one can find Katakolon Beach. It is ideal for families who wish to immerse in shallow waters with golden sand. A little further you will approach Matzakoura Beach known for its secluded setting. Leventochori and Kalakeia Beach are also great choices, a little further away from the port. Those who prefer a dip even further away, can hire a motor yacht and take a dip in Agios Ilias or Agios Andreas Beach. Finally, our recommended beaches that will cater to all your needs are  Kourouta and Skafidia Beach.

Your yacht trips in Katakolo can be combined with a longer adventure in the Ionian Sea. By renting a motor yacht, you may explore Zakynthos, Ithaca, and Kefalonia for example.

Below you will find some useful information for your yacht rentals in Katakolo.

Katakolon Port:

The main port has three piers with a maximum draft of 10 meters. It serves both passenger and commercial ships and is only 13 kilometers from the capital of the prefecture.

The nearest airport is Araxos at a distance of 75 km.